The Clematis as a Garden Flower. By Thomas Moore and
George Jackman. (Murray.)—This monograph on the Clematis—a good-sized octavo of about 150 pages—is one of those curious little indications which are always coming out of the vast amount of luxury—hardly the right word, but we cannot find a better—which there is among us. A very innocent luxury indeed is this, cultivating the Clematis; but it gives quite a startling notion of the amount of money and labour that are spent on pleasure gardening, to find quite a handsome and compara- tively expensive book dedicated to a single flower. And then, to look at the index, and to see that there are about 280 species and varieties! Of course we do not presume to criticise such a book. If any reader has a fancy for this particular flower, here he will see all about it, set forth in type and illustrations.