30 AUGUST 1873, Page 3

The trial of the four American forgers, Macdonnell, two Bidwells,

and Noyes, ended on Tuesday in a verdict of guilty, and a sentence of penal servitude for life, a sentence much worse than death, and only excusable on the ground that all such crimes must be carefully planned, and are much more injurious to society than murder. Ifacdonnell, who defended himself, made what was practically a full confession, revealing a long career of crime, and asserting that his business, fraud, had become an "art, a very wretched, unhappy, and contemptible art, but still an art." With the usual good-nature of Americans, they all attempted to shield Noyes, whom they declared a dupe ; but the judge in his charge drew no distinction, and the penalty was equal upon all. Perhaps it was the more severe, because the friends of the prisoners, fancying themselves in New York, had arranged, as was believed, for a forcible rescue, and had compelled the officials to guard the Court with large bodies of armed police. It was a natural attempt enough perhaps, for Americans, but here its only effect will be to cut off the only chance of escape. It is a remarkable fact that, necessary as punishment was felt to be, the prisoners have excited in England no hostility, but rather a sentiment of regret that men so capable should have found no better career than crime. They had quite brains enough to cheat on 'Change, which is the English way of getting a "ton of gold" in a short space of time.