The Peace Congress at The Hague closed on Saturday, and
Dr. Hensley Henson, the Dean of Durham, who preached in the Church of the Legation on Sunday, made special reference to the opening of the new Palace of Peace. In a sermon remarkable at once for its honesty and eloquence Dr. Henson observed that it was eminently fitting that the Palace of Peace should be reared in Holland, on soil which must always be
accounted sacred by all who value human liberty and have faith in human progress. While admitting that war has always lain heavy on Christian consciences, Dr. Henson agreed with Jeremy Taylor in his inability to approve the Quaker view that it was wholly prohibited by the Gospel. " In the actual circumstances of the world the Christian must make his count with a situation to which the Gospel has but an indirect, intermittent, and partial application. The soldier takes his place in the scheme of a Christian state by the same title as the policeman, the judge, and the moralist."