The new number of the National review, in its "
Episodes of the Month," makes a very serious charge as to the admini- stration of the Liberal Party fund; about which we should like to have more information. Mr. Maxse says : " If you find great accretions to the Radical coffers on the eve of the Coronation in 1911, when honours would be distributed with a lavish hand; if you find Cobdenite Party funds invested in every country except Cobden's country; if you find active speculation with party funds in home railway stocks during a coal strike which the Government were engaged in settling —you are naturally disposed to ask awkward questions." We fear that the purchase of honours is common to both sides, and we certainly have no reproof to offer to those who choose to make foreign investments ; but the accusation that Liberal Party funds were used for "active speculation" in home railways during the coal strike, which the Government were engaged in settling, is in a different category alto- gether.