When the debate was continued last Saturday much interest was
'excited by_ the speech of General Desticker, who quoted Marshal Foch as having declared that the occupation of the Ruhr had nothing to do with the security of France. ' Marshal Foch considered that all that was necessary for security was to be found in the Treaty of Versailles. M. Herriot wound up the debate in a speech of transparently strong conviction. Let them, he said, completely restore the 'Entente, and then France could proceed to lay her ease as regards inter-Allied debts, before both Great :Britain and the United States. For the Security of France Germany must be disarmed ; but for the security of French trade Geetnany must not be ruined. Thus wisdom grows in France week by , week. In the early hours of last Sunday morning the Chamber voted and gave the Government the large majority of, 132 votes-336 against 204.
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