30 AUGUST 1924, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have not seen any notice in your columns of what looks like an impending encroachment or disfigurement of certain at present unenclosed woodlands adjoining Stybarrow Crag. In recent years this locality has been (to say the least) not improved, and its beauty impaired, by the erection of certain houses in woods adjacent to those now offered for sale in building lots of from, I think, 1 to 5 acres. Whatever buildings may be erected on these, the shores of the finest part of Ullswater can hardly fail to be disfigured thereby. The site in question would seem quite as much worth preserving for the nation as several others in the district which have, happily, been publicly acquired.—I am, Sir, &c., IL HARTLEY. Union Club, S.W.1.