Herr Stresemann was the most successful in standing up to
the ferocity and bitterness of the Nationalists. His ripostes were very good, and after all he had on his side the substantial fact that the London Agreement- means the substitution of arbitration for "sanctions." The tactics of the Nationalists would have been much more effective if they could have produced any concrete alternative scheme, but in the continued debate on Monday all that their leader, Herr Here, could do was vaguely to demand that the terms for the evacuation- of the Ruhr should be revised. However, the Nation- alists, it is believed, are about to produce a definite plan with regard to the Ruhr. The less immoderate members of the party have little hope of changing the date, but it is thought that further guarantees might be obtained that the. French troops really will disappear within a year. The decisive, vote in the Reichstag has' not yet been taken when we go to press on Thursday, but Dr. Marx has announced that the Government will sign the agreement on Saturday in any case and look to the future to obtain Parliamentary consent. The debate on Wednesday is really not worth summarizing as reason broke -down under passion and much time was spent in a free fight * *