If Republicanism in Ireland extends as it is doing now,
the time will come when the British Government will discover that even if the miracle of a boundary settle- ment should be perfo-rmed, nothing will have been settled after all. Denunciation of the Act of 1821 would put the Irish question back' at the beginning again. If the British Government have not informed. themselves about the probable tendencies in Ireland, they are following marshlights on to the quaking bogs of Ireland. We wish that they- could be induced to consider what their proper course should be in the event of a breakdown of the Free State Act. We have never doubted ourselves that by -far the best course would be to let the- South of Ireland 'call itself what it liked. There is no danger in a name, but there is -v ery great danger in a condition of false and hollow allegiance which disguises active hostility.