SIR,—With reference to your article in The Spectator of August 16th, may I point out to you that this organisation, the Jewish Fellowship, knows nothing of conflicting loyalties, neither does it understand the stupid query so often put, "Are you a Jew first or Englishman first?" We are Jews because we observe the Jewish religion. We are English because that is our nationality. The two horses are not driven by us tandem fashion, but abreast and in perfect harmony. We do not support, in fact we unreservedly denounce, political Zionism, its leaders and its methods, which are totally in opposition to the teaching of the Jewish religion. We agree that those who organise and finance terrorism and violence, whether they have the great privilege of being British citizens or not, should receive condign punishment, and we call upon all Jews who value their religion and their English nationality, together with those of other nations permanently domiciled here, to join the Jewish Fellowship so that our numerical strength may add weight to our opinions. The fact is that there are very large numbers of British Jews who do support our point of view, but they are rational, cool-headed quietists, and, de- pending on the good sense and good nature of their fellow citizens, do not see the necessity of demonstrating their disagreement with political Zionism.—Yours, &c., JULIAN FRANKLYN. 33 Berner Street, Commercial Road, E.r.