Crossword no.1341
I Specialists in dramatic lightning tours of the countryside? (12) 9 lay in his way, and he found it' (Henry IV, 2) (9)
10 That never-to-be-forgotten one who takes the plunge (5) 11 Cent, that is, reform to tempt (6) 12 Can a fife lead to a lasting contract? (8) 13 Who and what is she? (6) 15 The totter's Sunday best? (4, 4) 18 Pitiably symphonic (8) 19 The city of San Francisco? (6) 21 Such a close young thing (4, 4) 23 A glove turns out to be herbal (6) 26 A century leads to prominence—that's cool (5) 27 Arrive at north, some story! (9) 28 Censoring a snippet of news? (5, 7) Down 1 The dogged redcoats? (7) 2 Metal worker (5) 3 Choosy (9) 4 No noise among the Vikings—divine (4)
5 Chap, in the event of being ancient, becomts multiplied (8)
6 Lines of decentralisation (5) 7 Pollsters? (7) 8 Du Maurier's mad batter (8) 14 Gay young man with seductive habits! (8) 16 Don't sin as it's out of harmony (9) 17 Sounds of warning from the Capitol (8) 18 Tired all over? The pride of my aunt? (7) 20 It's more than half seas over (7) 22 His is a stony length to run (5) 24 'He always has an —, and one or two to spare' (T. S. Eliot) (5) 25 Little by little he reached America (4) Solution next week
Solution to Crossword no. 1340. Across: I Breakers 5 Failed 9 Liberals 10 Amuses 12 Arrack 13 Reindeer 15 Fish and chips 18 Silver lining 23 Outlawed 24 Staple 26 Needle 27 Hell-bent 28 Senate 29 Whistler. Down: 1 Ballad 2 Embers 3 Karachi 4 Rule 6 Almanac 7 Listen-in 8 Distress 11 Leaning 14 Shelled 16 Astounds 17 Slattern 19 Epaulet 20 Nettles 21 Appeal 22 Setter 25 Mesh.