BRITISH FUN DS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wednes.
3 per Cent. Consols
Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 34 per Ceuta. Reduced New 34 per Cents Long Annuities
Bank Stock, 7 per cent. India Stock, 104
Exchequer Bills, lid. p. diem India Bonds, 34 per cent FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5p- Ct. - Mexican 5 p. Ct. Austrian 5 - - Ditto (Deferred) 5 Belgian 5 - 1039 Michigan 6 Brazilian 5 - 73 Mississippi (Sterling) ... 6 Buenos Ayres 6 - Neapolitan Cuba 6 - _ New York (1858) Chiliau 6 - 994 Ohio Columbian of 1824 6 - 114 Pennsylvania . .
Danish 3 - 864 Peruvian Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .24 - 56 Portuguese Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 991 Ditto (Converted) French 3 - - Russian Ditto 5 - - Spanish Indiana (Sterling) 5 - 41 Ditto (Passive) Illinois 6 Ditto (Deferred) Kentucky 6 - - South Caroliva Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - - Tennessee Maryland (Sterling) 5 - - United States Bank Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 - - Virginia. 6 --- SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation der big the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Maas- BANKS- Butanes - Australasian
Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey)
British Iron - British North American
- London and Westminster 12 Colonial - London Joint Stock
Candouga - National of Ireland RAILWAYS- National Provincial
58 Provincial of Ireland
Edinburgh and Glasgow 101 Union or Australia
Eastern Counties - Union of London GrandJuuction 94 Doors- Great Western - East and West ludia Liverpool and Manchester 424 London London and Brighton 64 St. Katheriue London and Blackwell
Loudon and Greeuwich 236 Australian Agrictiltural Loudon aud Birmingham 14j British American Land Loudon aud Croydon Manchester and Leeds 93 Canada 86 General Steam Midland Caustics 884 New Zealand.. North Midland South-eastern and Dot er 35 Royal Mail Steam 741 South Australian South-western 120 Van Diemen's Land York and North Midland BULLION. METALS.
Gold, Foreign to Bar. -.per az . 31. 17s. Od. !Copper, British Cakes.per ton este.. 0 to • • • Old Spani.b. or Pillar Dallars.. 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars 5 0 0 - • 00 Ilesiurn Dollars 0 4 Pi I Lead, Briti.h Pig 17 10 0 ..-17 17 • Silver In Bars, Standard 0 4 115 Steel, English 0 0 0 - 0 • •
GRAIN, Mark Lane, December 29.
Wheat, RedNew38 50 44 Fine St .. Si Old 40..40
White 46 .. 48
Fine 50 .. 56 SuperfineNew46 .. 54 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.
Wheat 50.. ill. I Rye Ws. 3d. Wheat 20s. Od liye 105. 641 Barley... 35 0 Beans ... .. 3 l 10 Barley 6 0 Beans 10 0
Oats Is 9 Peas 32 10 Oats 8 0 Peas II 11 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 43,. to $0.. Second. .................. .......... 40 - 45 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship... 95 - 40
Norfolk and Stockton .... 80 - 35 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os. BREAD, Sid. to Ergd. the 41b. Loaf.
Average price of Muscovado Sart.. 33. 71d BUTCHERS' MEAT.
Beef 2.. 6d. to Rs. Od. to as. 8d. .. ...... 34. Od. tO 45 01. lo 45. 4d. Mutton 2 4 .. 2 10 .. Ft 6 8 1 .. 4 0 .. 4 S Veal 2 8 .. 8 4 .. 4 4 3 6 . 4 4 .. 5 11 Pork 55 .. 3 4 .. 4 0 8 6 . 4 0 .. 4 9
Lamb o o .. o o .. o 0 ... .... o 0 .. • e .. • • • To sink the offal-per °lbs. HEAD OF CA1TLE AT SMITHFIELD. Beasts Sheep. Calve.. Pogo.
Odg 850 ....... 4,210 168 1221 y 1,014 8.100 8
Rent Pockets. 105s to 115a. York Reds peruse 804. to 50s.
Choice Ditto 130 0 Scotch Reds 55 ... 00
Sussex Pockets 103 - 110 Devon. 55 - •
Fine Ditto lit - 115 Kent and Essex Whites 50 .... SS HAY AND STRAW. (Per Loadof 36 Trusses.)
CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. POSTMAN. WIGTECHA20.1, Nay, Good SO.... 76s ass .. far.
Inferior 55 .. 60 0 .. o New o .. •
Cloves es .. roe 75 .. 100 0 .. 9 .. .. 50 .. 100 Wheat Straw 0 .. 0 01 .... fig
shut 96 ex d. 961 1024 shut 121 1834 shut 58 pm.
96; 1025 121 183 61 73 pm. 964 96j 1024
1834 61
Thurs. Friday.
961 265 974 974 1021 1024 121 124 184 1831 60 64 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 n. Cl.
6 - 31; 9/ 50 93 • 90 ex d.
117 214
12 90 20s.
45 414 -2$ 121 434-
128 100ex d 106 261 4 Rye 28 to 32 Barley 26 .. 97 Malting 30 .. se Mall, Ordinary 54 .. 56
Fine 58 ..GO
Peas, Hog.... 57 .. 28 Maple 28 to so
White SO . 80
Boilers SS 34
Beans, Tick. Mt .. 27 Old 09,.30 Harrow 29 .. 01 Oats, Peed .
Pine.. . 19 ..20 Poland. ...0O. 00
Fine Mt 29
Potato 29 ..
Fine sat .. 44
BUTTER-Best Fresh, 16a. Od. per dos. Carlow, 81. 13s. to 41.6s. per cat. BACON, Small Old, per cwt.... 0..10 04.
CHEESE, Cheshire Onto Os.
Derby Plain 46s. to 50s. HAMS, York Mes. to 84e.
EGGS, French... per 120 6s. Od to is. ad.
. per cwt. Diolasses...... lOs. to 298..per eat.