srocx EXCHANGE, Roney Arminian/.
The English Funds have risen 1 per cent from the closing quotations of last week; hut, as they had previously declined about per cent, the absolute rise has been f per cent. This improvement has been almost entirely the result of some very extensive purchases for money ; among which may be no. ticed one for the Court of Bankruptcy, of 50,0001. Reduced Three per Cents, at 971—the highest price at which this stock has stood during the present century. It isreported that the Revenue is in a very improving state ; and that the next quarterly statement, to be published on the 6th of January, will ex. hibit a considerable surplus. The public are already prepared for the reduc- tion of the Tbree-and-a-half per Cent Stocks during the year 1844; as is evi- dent from the fact, that though during the last few days the Three per Cent Stocks have risen 1 per cent, there has not occurred the slightest move in those bearing 3/ per cent interest. Money has been rather in demand on the Stock Exchange, upon some of the less valuable 'Foreign Bonds; but for commercial purposes is as plentiful as ever. The premium of Exchequer Bills has im- proved, and is today 62s. to 64s. The inquiry connected with the recent forgery upon the Government has produced another instance of the injurious effect of the silence of the Bank mod Government with respect to the neglected claims of Stockholders for Stock and Dividends of which they are the rightful though unknown owners. In appears that the representatives of a Stockholder who died in 1806 have been till now in complete ignorance of the existence of any such property. The capital of the original stock has more than doubled in the interim, in all probe bility to be enjoyed by the third generation of the descendants of the original possessor. It surely ought to be the business of the Government to seek out the representatives of property so forgotten: The business of the Foreign Market has been of a very extensive character: all the Dividend-paying European Bonds are in great demand at improved prices, in consequence of the rise in the English Funds. Spanish Stock has also risen very materially; the announcement of the Dividend having given a decided impulse to speculation ; the Three per Cents being 11, and the Active 1/ per cent above our last prices. Portuguese Converted Bonds have been in great demand; and though, from the confined nature of the market, the trans- actions have been limited, the Stock has experienced a rise of 2 per cent. The Dividend, which will be paid in due course at the commencement of the year, will be the sixth that has been paid by Portugal out of her own resources, and without the assistance of any foreign loan, since the first conversion of the Bonds in 1841. The transactions in the South American and Mexican Stocks have not been important ; neither has any material variation occurred in them. The demand for Railway Shares still continues ; and in the great majority of instances is not speculative, but the result of real investment; the Shares of all the leading lines being scarce. Birmingham have been done at 2453 Great Western, at 98; and almost all the others at a proportional advance. The French lines also continue in demand, and have advanced about 1/. per share since our last report. As may be naturally expected, several new lines are talked of; and the new year will probably be as prolific in Railway specu- lations as 1624 was in Mining adventures. We trust the result to the specas lators will be different, and that we shall not have to record a panic in 1845,m in 1825, in order to complete a twenty-years cycle of commercial similarity.
The English Government Funds are at yesterday's prizes. The transaction of most importance has been a purchase of 20,000L Bank Stock for Account at 185, an advance of 1 per cent upon yesterday's prices. The business of the Foreign Market has been chiefly confined to Spanish Stock and Railway Shares. The former are at a slight advance upon the closing prices of yesterday. There is, however, a general advance in the latter; many of the current varieties having improved from 1/. to 2/. upon yesterdayb quotations. We give the list of transactions actually occurring: Birmirighatu and Derby, 56; Ditto, Thirds, 18; Great Western, 99; Ditto, Halves, 704 Ditto, Fifths, 19k; Brighton, 44; Blackwell, 6/ 1 ; Birmingham, New, 23*,; South-western, 744 5; Paris and Orleans, 3314 ; South-eastern and Dover., 35* ; Ditto, Scrip, 351. SAXCUIDAY, Two o'cram. The English Funds close a shade lower : a large speculative sale WRS made of Consols for Account at 96*, which depressed the market to 96* The broker who was the seller is still offering Stock at 96i. The other English Fun& are 1 per cent lower. The Foreign Funds are without any material variation. The transactions in Railway Shares have been very extensive, and prices continue to advance : Birmingham and Gloucester 16; Bristol and Exeter42; Eastern Counties, 11; Ditto, Scrip, 13; Ditto, New Registered, 121; Edin- burgh and Glasgow, 58; Ditto, New Registered, 14/; Great North of Eughuld. 834 41; Grand Junction, Quarter Shares, 60; Brighton, 4.21; Ditto, Loan Notes, 11 ; Greenwich, ;; Croydon, 15; Ditto, Scrip, 9; Manchester and Leeds, 100 1; Ditto, New, 441; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 71 4; Northern and Eastern, 52i ; Paris and Orieaus, 334 4; Paris and Rouen, 32*; Yarmouth and Norwich, 161; York and North Midland, 120; Ditto, New, 531.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced
shut 94 I 97* 4 Chi lien Deferred Colombian 6 per Cents. 1894 ex Venezuela 46 48 11 34 per Cent Ditto.
104 } Danish 3 per Cents
26 87
New 4 per Cents
shut Dutch 24 per Cents 551 6} Baulk Stock
184* 5 Ditto 5 per Cents 991 100} Exchequer Bills prem. 62 4 Mexican 5 per Cents Conad 311 21 India Stock
shut Poi tuguese New 5 p. Cts 1841 149 51 Brazilian 5 per Cents' '
734 44 Russian it per Cents 115 116 Belgian 5 per Gents
103 4 Spanish (Active)5 per Cents. 21} I Chi.lian 6 per Cents
99 101 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 311 2