30 DECEMBER 1843, Page 7


The Nabob, Wilson, from Calcutta to Liverpool, went on shore, in Carnarvan Bay, 24th hist ; crew safe.

The Meg of Meldon. Bleasdale, which arrived at Liverpool on the 23d inst. horn Calcutta. took fire on the 27th inst. and was scuttled.

ARRIVED— At Mauritius. previous 101st Nov. John Mullet. Austen ; Columbine.Crisn Helen Mary. Palmer ; and Champion, Steele, from London ; Ulverstone, Smith, from Liverpool ; Eliza Leishman. Dickson. from the CI5de; and British Queen. Brown, from Newcastle. At Ceylon, 25th Oct. Iris. Mouat, from Lundou ; and Carena. Wooduess. from Liverpool. At Calcutta. previous to 14th Nov. Chebar, Hat risen; Humayoon. M' Kellar; and Georgiaua. Webb. from London ; Harvest Hume, Heron ; and Palauquin. Lister. from Liverpool; and Janet Wilson, Wilson. from the Clyde. At Singapore. 2Ist Sept. Ruby, Danger0eld. rpm Bristol ; 12th Oct. George Buckham. Sims, from Liverpool ; 16th. Florist, Huggup, from London ; and James Turcan. Turcan. from Liverpool ; Nth. Elizabeth Walker, Currie, from the Clyde ; and 23d, Menthe, Pagan, from Liverpool. At Aujer, 13th Sept. Litherland. Freeman, from Liverpool ; 25th, Ludy M•Naughteu. Young, from London ; and Hoye. Crawford, from the Clyde. At China, previous to 5th Oct. Anna Maria, West ; Juliet, Alexander ; Indian. English ; Maid of Athens, Hewes ; Rookery. Brown ; and Mount Stuart Elphinstune. Eagles, from London ; John Horton, - Charles Jones. - , John Christian, -, Viscount Sandon, Lancaster ; and Helen Stewart. Whittingham, from Liverpool. SAILED—From Gravesend. 28th inst. Symmetry, Mackwood. for Ceylon. From Liverpool. 23d Ditto. Athena. Hogg. for Calcutta ; 25th. Nernst. Tulloch. for Bombay ; and 26th, Caledonia, Cumming, for Ditto. From Greenock, 21st, Brilliant, King, for Bombay.