The contest between the French Chambers as to the right
of the Senate to replace votes on the Estimates has begun, M. Gam- betta on Thursday arguing that the Senate had no such power. It was only entitled to negative a vote, but had no initiative in expenditure. Such a pretension, if - pressed by a body which had the right of dissolution, might produce serious risk to the country. M. Jules Simon, in reply, pointed out, as we did last week, that the Senate had not increased expenditure, but only asked the Chamber to increase it ; that the right of dissolution was shared between the Senate and the President ; and that the first duty of the Republicans was to avoid an appeal to the country, which might cast the reproach of "instability" on the Republic. On a division, M. Gambetta, who had proposed a conference between the Houses before any vote was taken on the clauses in question, was beaten by 369 to 145. He probably did not wish very earnestly to win.