30 DECEMBER 1876, Page 15


[To TUB EDITOR OF TRH "Srsoraros."] &o,—Your usually logical mind is, in this instance, unequal to itself. Supposing that sprinkling with holy-waters were recom- mended as enabling students to pass competitive examinations well (of which, however, so far as I am aware, there is no proof), there need be no making light of God's great natural laws, since you will hardly say that the passing or not passing on such occa- sions proceeds by any natural law! In regard to the intercession of the Saints, it matters not how long departed they may be, or how much or how little they may have understood of the pur- pose, meaning, and value of those natural laws, we hold that their knowledge is complete, and they see us and our wants in the beatific vision ; but they could not, if we would, desire to set aside the divine will in any matter, yet many a blessing is with- holden until supplication is made for it. Remember the interces- sion of Abraham for Sodom, and other parallel cases.—I am, [Is it, then, no natural law that diligence and faculty command success in competitive examinations ?—En. Spectator.]