30 DECEMBER 1876, Page 15



SIR,—May I, in consequence of your notice of Mrs. Haweis's "Chaucer for Children," remind your readers of a very admirable

book of "Tales from Chaucer," published many years ago by Mrs. Cowden Clarke ? I have been familiar with a copy of it for five-and-forty years, and if it be now out of print, it is well worth reprinting. It is executed in imitation of Lamb's "Tales from Shakespeare," to which it is a worthy companion, and it is, at least in the original edition, a book of great beauty. The paper, the type, and Harvey's woodcuts are all excellent, and I should be glad, by drawing attention to it, to share with others the plea- sure which for so many years it has given me.

I may add that, from the names of the tales given in your notice, the selection in the two volumes appears to vary consider- ably.-1 am, Sir, &c., Heath's Court, Ottery St. Mary, December 27. C.