Two Almanacs of merit, which are nearly equal though not
quite similar, have to be mentioned,— Whitaker's Almanac (Whitaker) and The British Almanac and Companion (The Stationers' Company) — Whitaker's information is more various and complete. In his "House of Peers" there are the dates of the birth, marriage, and succession of each peer. An" Historic Peerage " follows, showing " the datesat which -the dignities now existing were granted." This description, however, is scarcely correct. Many dignities "now existing" do not appear in the list at all, and these some of the oldest. The Duke of Norfolk, for instance, comes under the year 1483, but he holds dignities of mach earlier date. A table showing these would exhibit the real antiquity of our Peerage. Then we have an abridged Army List, and other things too numerous too mention. The British Almanac, on the other hand, *tires higher. It gives an admirable summary of some of the work done in the past year in science, reviews the progress made in public health and morality, and discusses a varety of other subjects. The architec- ture of the year receives special attention. Whitaker's Almanac is an admirable book of reference ; The British Almanac is a volume to be kept.