The Anglo-Jewish Association has waited upon Lord Derby, to point
out that the sufferings of the Jews in Roumania date from the emancipation of that country from Mahommedan rule, to quote some striking instances of persecution, particularly the " noyades de Galatz " in 1867, and to urge that Jews should share in any advantages secured to Christians from the Porte. Lord Derby in reply admitted the persecutions, and promised that he would support no measures of administrative reform which did not apply to all non-Mussulman subjects. There can be no doubt that the Jews have a case in Roumania, and in Russia too, and that they ought to receive the protection which we should have thought their own capitalists could have extorted from the Governments. At the same time, they must remember that the passionate devotion to the Turks manifested in their newspapers, in their speeches, and in their politics at this crisis, is not likely to be a recommendation to the Christians from whom they are asking justice. They claim in Roumania for themselves precisely what they refuse in Bulgaria to the Christians.