Sunday : Song Recital by Isobel Baillie (Daventry National, 5.30) ; Chamber Music (London Regional, 9.5).
Monday : "New Books "-Mr. Basil de Selincourt (Daventry National, 6.50) ; Promenade Concert (Daventry National, 8.0) ; Radio Dramatization of Jane Eyre (London Regional, 9.15 ; and on Tuesday, Daventry National, 8.10).
Tuesday : Promenade Concert (London Regional, 8.0) ; Organ Recital-Gunther Ramin (Daventry National, 10.0) ; " Discovering Beethoven "-Mr. J. D. M. Rorke (London Regional, 10.0).
Wednesday : Twenty-first Annual Conference of Educa- tional Associations (London Regional, 8.0) ; Promenade Concert (London Regional, 8.0) ; Yvette (Daventry National, 8.10) ; A Miscellany (Daventry National, 10.10).
Thursday : Promenade Concert-Delius (Daventry National. 8.0) ; Mr. Vernon Bartlett (Daventry National, 10.0).
Friday : Promenade Concert (Daventry National, 8.0) ; The Prince of Wales-" S.O.S." (Daventry National, 10.0).
Saturday : Promenade Concert-Handel (London Regional, 8.0) ; Dorothy Hildreth-Pianoforte Recital (Daventry