Jugoslavia and Her Neighbours Events'in South-Eastern Europe call for some
attention. Tension between Italy and Jugoslavia continues and the three Little Entente States arc drawing thc bonds of their association closer. At the same time the internal situation in Jugoslavia continues unsatisfactory and a number. ..of well-known authorities, including Lord Cushendun, the Warden of New College and Prof. Gilbert Murray, have taken the slightly questionable course of appealing to the British Government to intervene, in con- junction with France, Czechoslovakia and Rumania, to secure a revision of the Jugoslav constitution with a view to conferring much larger autonomy for the pro vines. So long as over-centralization at Belgrade continues unrest in Croatia and Dalmatia will persist. The trouble with Italy was caused by acts of vandalism against pieces of Italian statuary at Trigor, which is now on Jugoslav soil, and the excitement will no doubt die down if the papers on both sides will refrain from foment- ing it. As for the consolidation of the Little Entente, it is certainly to be welcomed if it makes for the lowering or removal of economic barriers between the three countries, and in any case the closer union project is defensive rather than aggressive both in intention and in effect.
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