"The Future of the Empire" Both external influences and internal
developments are, as Mr. Malcolm MacDonald observed recently in a striking speech, rendering the future both of British Dominions and British Crown Colonies far more uncertain than it seemed a few years ago. The existence of disintegrative forces must be faced and franldy considered. For that reason The Spectator has arranged an important series of articles, the first of which will appear next week, in which the subject is discussed from many angles by a number of distinguished writers. A general introduction to the subject is contributed by Sir Alfred Zimmern, who is Professor of International Relations at Oxford ; Lord Lothian will write on the dangers of disintegration ; General Sir John Burnett-Stuart on Imperial Defence ; Sir Donald Cameron, a former Governor of Tanganyika and of Nigeria, on the Crown Colonies ; Mr. Ernest Bevin, who like some of the other writers has recently returned from the Commonwealth Relations Conference at Sydney, on Labour and the Dominions ; and Professor Noel Hall, on economic relation- ships. One or two further articles may possibly be added.
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