session,—viz. Thomas Holbeck, twenty-one, sheep-stealing; William James,
twenty-two' burglary ; James Stevens alias Steeden, eighteen; house-breaking; Henry Holmes, thirty-three, rape ; Catherine Rion, seventeen, and Michael Gander, twenty-two, stealing in a dwelling-house; Mary Conway alias Donaghue, forty-two, and Hannah alias Ann Wesh, thirty-four, uttering counterfeit coin, having been before convicted as common utterers ; and John Dixey, twenty-three, and William Shedwick, thirty, highway-robbery ; all of whom his Majesty was graciously pleased to respite during his royal pleasure. A gentleman stated to Mr. fitinshull on Saturday, that on the day of Sir Thomas Lawrence's funeral he had picked up a pocket-book containin.c bills of value. There were many names on the bills, but only one address—that of the acceptor of one of the bills. To him application had been made as to the owner. The acceptor had declined giving the information required, and had attempted to obliterate his own accepfance. Under these circumstances, the Magistrate's ad- vice was requested. Mr. Minshull trusted that the owner of the property would soon he found.
Saunders, the proprietor of the Somerset. Hotel in the Strand, gave two women in charge one night last week, for robbing him of a watch in the street. Saunders had, it turned out, left his watch at home. The poor women were kept in confinement during the whole night, and appeared at Bow Street next Morn- ing half dead With cold. The Magistrate expressed his regret at what they had suffered; and assured them that they had " an action at law l" "Actions at law," said one of them, " cost money, and we have not a pound in the World." Sir Richard Birnie stated at Bow Street, the other day, that he had received from a military officer of respectability an account of Mr. LatiffireCht's life. In that Mr. Lambrecht was described as a professed duellist; and Sir Richard de- clared that he should hand it to Mr. Clayton's executors, to be made the ground- work of a prosecution, if they pleased. We cannot, for our own parts, perceive any necessity for Sir Richard's ze,al. Elizabeth Spiuks, a char-woman, was charged at Bow Street with having stolen 204 note frail the Goal-holt Tavena in the $trand. The note WU- )10L feleahl her possession, but it *as proved that she had been making ituptirieS at her lodgiogs after such a note. Which the alleged she hail lost. A Mr. Oliter, a respectable tradesman in Bishopgate Stfttt; applied on Wed- nesday at Bow Street for the release of his wife, who had been committed On Tuesday as a prostitute. Mr. Al inshuli declined releasing her, as the policeman had sworn that he had found her drunk and disorderly in the Street Mr. Olivet
intimated hit ititeatiett plittitig in bail to appeal against the contietien, as the meahs of procuring his Wife's inintediate release.
John Mc Grath has been senteneed, Gfiildhall, to hard labour for two months, for deliberately breaking the windows of Mr. Botetell a boOttnaket its Cheapside. He stated in defence, that he did it to get a night's lodging in the Police Office.
A young man stated Elliat Batley has been 66ininitted at the Mansionhonse for the forgery of a hill. He was proved to be an enthusiastic teacher of Stunday school, and an intimate friend of the Rev. Alexander Fletcher.
William Meecham was committed at Lambeth Street on Thursday, for robbing John Fife of property to the amount of 16/. The prosecutor and the prisoner lodged in the same mini. Daniel Bishop and James Bishop have been fined 20/. at the Mansionhouse, for frauds iii the sale of coals.
Horatio Jacksotn Jahn Ashdown, and Williant Wellt, have been held to bail at Qtteen Square Office; in 1001. each, and sureties in 50/. each, for a brtitil as- sault on the proprietor and guard Of a Greenwich olimitons.