Madame Dalcken began her annual series of soirees for the
performance of classical chamber music on Wednesday. A Quintet by Onslow was ad- mirably played by Willy, Goffrie, Hill, Lucas, and Howell; but the most charming treat of the evening was Beethoven's Sonata, performed by Madame Dulcken and M. Sainton.
- The Princess's Concert-room was filled to overflowing on Tuesday even- ing, when Mr. Wilson devoted his music to a work of charity: he gave his entertainment of Highland songs for the benefit of the distressed and suffer- ing Highlanders. Among the gratifying responses to this appeal in behalf of the distressed, one of the most pleasing was communicated to the audi- ence by Mr. Wilson, in the shape of a note from the venerable and excel- lent Scotchman Sir Charles Forbes, with 251. as his proxy; personal attend- ance at the concert-room in the evening being forbidden by the state of his health.