3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account
per Cents Reduced
Si per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per Cent India Stock, 106 Exchequer Bills, 164. per diem India Bonds, 3 per Cent U N D S. (Closing Prices.) &Surd. lfonday. Tuesday. ream.
Sol 91 91 911 901 911 911 91
906 ffif 911 91f 921 93I 9 9211 9391
2011 2046 204 2041
250 251 242 251 6 min 7 8 — — - 11pm.
915 211 Si f 931 95 2046 8
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct — I Massachusetts (Sterling)...11 p.Ct.
Austrian Mexican .... ... ..... .. BDelittian 5 — -
Belgian 4 3 931 Michigan 6 -- Mississippi (Sterling) 6 — Buenos Ayres . 5 — 85 Neapolitan 5 — 6 — 411 New York (1858) .... ...di —
Chillan 6 Ohio 6 - Danish 3 6 - Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) —21 — Pennsylvania 684 Peruvian 6 4 92 Portuguese 5 - French 3 Ditto 3 - Ditto 6 — Indiana (Sterling) 5 — Russian ... ... .......... 6 —
— Spanish 5 - Illinois 6 Ditto 3 -
Kentucky — Ditto (Passive) Louisiana (Sterling) 5 — M — Ditto (Deferred) .... Maryland (Sterling) 5 — Venezuela Active 8 II A RE S.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) E. / ILNYA7B—•• ! BANKS—
Edinburgh and Glasgow 79 1 Australasian Eastern Counties VI I British North American
Great North of England .. ..... — I Colonial
Great Western... ... .......... 198 Commercial of London Hull and Selby 105 Lancaster and Carlisle 611 London Brighton and South Coast 565 London and Blackwell 81ex B. London and Greenwich 91 London and North-western 193 London and York 41 Manchester and Birmingham .. — Manchester and Leeds .... ..... 108 Midland 128 Newcastle and Carlisle — North British 344
South-eastern and Dover 37
South-western 641 York and North Midland ..... 90
East and West India London Bt. Katherine
1313exd 1111ex.d.
995 London and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial
Provincial of Ireland .....
Union of Australia Union of London
Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John Del Rey)
Cobre Copper
Australian Agricultural Canada General Steam Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South Australian Friday.
911 914 911 93/ 205
87 63 38 81 34 1105 245 345 5 161,
351ea 446
BULLION. Per oz.
METALS. Per ten.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ... E3 17 9
Copper, British Cakes £88 10 0 .. 92 0 0
Foreign GoldinCoin,PortugalPleces 0 0 0
Iron, British Bars.... 9 15 C .. 10 0 0
New Dollars 0 4 101 Lead, British Pig .... 18 15 0 .. 19 0 0 Effiverin Bars,Standard 0 5 Of Steel, English 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0
Lane, Jan. 20.
Wheat,R.New 70 to 72 Rye 60 to63 Maple 84 to56 Oats, Feed. 34 to3i Fine 72-74 Barley 44 —46 White.— 66 —60 Fine 35 —36 Old 68-70 Malting .. 52 —54 Boilers ... 60-62 Poland . 38-39 White 74-76 Malt, Ord... 74-76 Beaus, Ticks. 48-60 Fine. 39-40 Fine 76 —78 Fine. .... 78-82 Old. 50— 62 Potato... 40-41 Super. New 76-78 Peas, Hog .. 50 —63 Harrow ... 64-56
Fine. 41-42
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat ... 66.. Od. Rye 47.. 04.
Barley.. .•• 46 10 Beans 47 2 Oats .. 28 2 Peas 61 1 Weekly Averages for Wheat, 73s. 3d.—Barley,51s. 6d.—Oats, 31,2d Average Price of Muscovado Sugar, 36s. 1014.
DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN. For the present Week.
Wheat Os. 04. Rye 02.0r1 Barley 0 0 Beans 0 •
Oats 0 0 Peas 0 0
the Week ending Jan. 23.
—Rye, 5 Is.6.1.—Beans,51s.ld.—Peas,51, 11d.
West India Molasses, 21s. to 30,04. per cwt.
90s. to 130s. I York Reds per ton.200s. to Os.
u — 0 Scotch Reds 0 — 0 80 — 90 Devons 0 0 O — 0 Kent and Essex Whites 0 0 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Co NEZILLAND. 6■11711717LD. Bay, Good 70,. to 77s 45s. to Nis Inferior 65 — 65 0 0 New .. ...... .... 0 — 0
Clover 95 — If 0 Wheat Straw .... 30 — 34
Kent Pockets
Choice ditto Sussex Pockets
Fine ditto WHITSCRA77L. Os. to 0s.
00 60
0 0 65 75 65 94 90 100
28 — 32 ...... 94 — 30 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 65s. to Us.
Seconds 60 — 65 Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 55 — 60 Norfolk and Stockton 50 — 53 Bran per quarter 0 — 0
Pollard, fine. 0 — 0 Bread, 9d. to 114. the 41b. loaf.
Butter—BestFresit, Ids. Od. per dos. Carlow, M. 10s. to 41. 111s. per cwt.
Bacon, Irish per cwt. 6Ss. — Us. Cheese, Cheshire el — 78 Derby Plain 60 — 68 Hams, York. 64 — 74
Eggs, French, per 120,11.. Od. to 15s. Od.
N7170■73 AND TAILDSULLL.• s. d. s. d. s.
xtreirm.o.. BRAD 07 Ca7.77.2 AT . e. d. s. 4. Elarrorma.
Beef... 2 10 to 3 4 to 4
to 4 0 to 4 4
Friday. Monde?.
Mutton 3 6— 4 0— 4 4 — 4 8— 5 2 Beasts. 689 .. .. 3,009 Veal... 3 8 — 4 4 — 5 4 — 4 8 5 4 Sheep. 2,110 23,306 Pork .. 3 4 — 4
4 — 4
6— 6 0
Odra. 106 70 Iamb.. 0 0 — 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ply.. 280 300
• To sink the offal, per 8 lb