M. klillemnd, the French Minister for War, visited England at
the end of last week and conferred with the King, Lord Kitchener, Mr. Asquith, Sir Edward Grey, and Mr. ChurchilL At Aldershot he was shown the troops quartered there as well as two Territorial divisions. On his return to France K. Millerand informed the French Government that he was simply astounded at the results obtained. It was not only the British effort which he admired, but the methods used. In a letter to Lord Kitchener he confessed that he could not have believed what had been accomplished if he had not seen it.. The Temps says that a new Army of ten army corps Lae been created
" There was not a single rifle, nor gun, nor accoutrement waiting for them. England has manufactured all this material of war, while her factories have also provided the military requirement. which France and Russia, paralysed by their mobilization, were unable to furnish for themselves."
We are delighted to read this tribute. Few Frenchmen will now hesitate to believe that Britain is rowing her weight in the Allies' boat.