[To me EDITOR or Tao "BrzerATOR.-1 SI/3,-1 have read with much interest the article in your issue of January 23rd on Ambrose Bierce's " War Stories," with its allusion to Bierce's contributions to Fun in the days of Tom Hood's editorship of that paper. To speak, however, of "Tom Hood the younger" is incorrect, for it seems to suggest that his father, the immortal poet, Thomas Hood, was also known as " Tom." Fun was the property of the Brothers Dalziel, and in their Record of _Fifty Years' Work, published Joy Methuen and Co. in 1901, they say, speaking of Tom Hood -"After this, when he had resigned his poet at the War Office pad eat down steadily to literary work, he always studiously signed his name 'Tom,' with the express object that his name might not be confounded with that of his father, or that he should be accused of making capital out of his father's name and reputation."
—Believing this quotation will be of interest to many of your