Sm—Although the appeal made by my father, Lord Roberts, to sportsmen and others to lend their race, field, or stalking glasses for the use of officers and non-commissioned officers under orders for the front has been most gratifying, a very large number of glasses are still required.
Up to the present some eighteen thousand pairs of field and stalking glasses have been received. These have been carefully examined and clammed by an expert before being issued. The names and addresses of the owners are registered, and the glasses themselves are engraved with an index number in order that the owners can be traced at the conclusion of the war and their pro. perty, when possible, returned to them. Many people who did not peewee field glasses felt that they would like to contribute towards the fund which has been raised for the purpose of purchasing them, and sent cheques instead.
My. father was deeply grateful for the generous response made to his appeal, but at the same time ho realized that an even greater number of glasses would be required. the stock in hand being nearly exhausted, while the call for them was continuous. Ho had made up his mind to appeal to the public ones again, and a letter to this effect had been written, but not signed, before he left for France. I therefore venture to make this further appeal in his name.
All contributions will be dealt with in the same way as formerly and duly acknowledged. It is important to note that all glasses, cheques, and communications should be addressed to the Secretary, National Service League, 72 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.—
I am, Sir, Ac., ALLEEN ROBERTS. Eaglemere, Ascot, Berks. I am, Sir, Ac., ALLEEN ROBERTS. Eaglemere, Ascot, Berks.
[We feel confident that those who have field glasses available will not fail to respond to Lady Roberts's appeal. To many such persons it will, in the circumstances, be regarded as a duty to meet Lord Roberts's last wishes.—Em Spectator.]