Principal W. Peterson, of the famous McGill University in Montreal,
publishes a memorial of his twenty years of suc- cessful work in Canada under the title of Canadian Essays and Addresses (Longmans and Co., 10s. 6d. net). The volume consists of two parts—the first dealing with Imperial questions, and the second with educational problems. It is the former which will be read with the greater interest over here. Principal Peterson has sometimes been labelled in his adopted country as an " ultra-Imperialist" ; but the spon- taneous action taken by Canada on the outbreak of the present war shows that his views were in line with the real feeling of the people, who have thoroughly learnt the lesson, inculcated in such an address as that on " The True Imperialiem," that " the Empire cannot be run on the prin- ciple of limited liability," and that the right of Canada to preserve her own collateral freedom may have to be contested on the soil of Flanders and finally made good in Berlin.