30 JANUARY 1915, Page 36
READABLE NOVELS.—A Mixed Pack. By Dorothea Conyers. (Methuen and Co.
6e.)—Mrs. Conyers's short stories, mostly concerned with bunting and Ireland. are written con- vincingly and with a certain brillianee.—Pelle the Conqueror: Apprenticeship. By Martin Andersen Nex8. Translated by Bernard Mall. (Sidgwick and Jackson. 6s.)—The second volume of a Danish book, on the lines of Jean Christophe. It is interesting, but would probably be more attractive in the triginal than in a translation.—Mrs. Latham's Extravagance. By Thomas Cobb. (Chapman and Hall. 6s.)—This light and clever comedy touches on the more serious sins, but is free from lay unpleasantness.