The finding of a remedy for nettles has filled many countrymen with an almost unholy glee. The eradication of those incredibly tough yellow roots, the astonishing speed of growth in the shoots, the venom of the leaves and the persistence of the stems in winter make the nettle an enemy indeed, though we ought to remember certain virtues : it is host to the loveliest of all our butterflies and there arc some who find the young shoots (if the cook can be persuaded to deal with them) as good as spinach and more nourishing. One advantage of the chlorate of potash, which is found to destroy the nettle in its youth, is that it is not dangerous to animals. The spraying must be thorough and may need repetition. It need hardly be said that the longer established the nettles, the harder to kill ; but the dose is more effective. even on the veterans, than the frequent mowings which have always been recommended as the best remedy.
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