30 JANUARY 1932, Page 3

Mr. Lytton Strachey

In a different sphere of literature Mr. Lytton Strachey's death is a severe loss, though we hope that he was able to make good progress with his work upon the Grtville Diaries. It is many years since he wrote much for us, but we remember with some pride his early literary criticisms, particularly of French literature, that appeared in the Spectator. His later work is described by contributors to other columns. We wish we could write more of another untimely death, that of Miss Phil- potts, known for a sadly short time as Dame Bertha Newall, a scholar of all things Scandinavian, and a noble worker for women's education. We can only express our sympathy with her learned husband and with the societies of Somerville, Westfield, and most of all Girton, on all ofWhich she left her mark.

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