Stu,—We have received a letter from India from our missionary sisters, who are just opening a new university college in Madras; and who are very anxious to obtain for their undergraduates some copies of The Spectator. However, as the college is still in its infancy, it is very poor and cannot afford to pay the subscription for this most excellent paper. Accordingly, they have asked us if we can find anyone who would have the great charity to give them any back numbers they do not want, or send them their used copies when they no longer require them. As we have no means of contacting any such person, I wondered if by any chance you would know of someone who would be willing to send out their used copies to the sisters. If ybu do know anyone and would tell me of them, I would be most exceedingly grateful, as would also be the sisters in Madras. Thanking you in anticipation for any help you may be able to give us in the matter.—I am, yours truly,
22 The Boltons, London, S.W. zo