SPECTATOR CROSSWORD No. 1,029 Solution on February 13
ACROSS 1 Spelling's the forte of 'theSe old girls! (8) 5 Donkey in the hamper got by (6) 9 Xenophon on the up-grade? (8) 10 One of three boatmen (6) 12 Irishman has love for the hedge- priest (7) 13 He holds the funds! (7) 14 0 fair monster, you are subject to changes (12) 17 Last words' that sound as if they have been well pondered (12) 22 A case for a Western? (7) 23 Of cardinal importance (7)
24 This bed is very untidy (6)
25 No doubt the horse would like to think this applied to its goad (8) 26 Finding's keeping? Not so (6) 11 '27 'Teach me half the - That thy brain must know! (Shelley) (8) DOWN 1 Tea at the House? (6) 2 One art is very handy (4-2) 3 "At length I -" he said, "The bitterness of life!" ' (Carroll) (7
4 In) loving propitiation she's posses- sive (12)
6 'Streams like the thunderstorm the wind' (Byron) (7) 7 Sit, Rover! (anag.) (8) 8 Pluto presides over the big com- bine (8) Prize scholar? Not necessarily (7, 5) 15 The fisherman's object in a big way? (8)
1 first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of a book token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the Bret two correct solutions opened on Feb. 10. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1029, 99 Gower St., London, WCI,
Chambers's 'Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords. 16 It's not so dangerous in the hands of the embroiderer (8) 18 The rune expressed in Slavonic language (7) 19 Her dove was in a flap! (7) 20 Flatter the oarsman (6) 21 Their contents should be kept dry, or not, as the case might be! (6)