Crossword 542
A Prize of ten pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution opened on 15 February. Entries o: Crossword 542, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
The unclued lights and those clued otherwise than by definition, when arranged in correct sequence, will be found on the title. Only one of these solutions (which are not necessarily individual words) will, coincidentally, be found in Chambers.
Address ACROSS 5 Small species — egg-plant (6) 10 Tope is caught, in case it's tufted (10) 12 Gerhard Kremer lost gold at Jock's mart (6). • . • 13 .... payment at which includes shelf and everything (8) 16 King's ovens (5) 17 Plays with decorative slabs, one admitted (7) 20 Softening the pain of the chop- per takes time (8) 25 Endless catarrh causes depres- sion (3) 26 Free to turn corner by one's 'ouse (7) 28 Lidless container brought back for wine (7) 29 Even before the affair is finished (3) 31 Guard despatched to Nile riot (8) 34 Biographer of US man and dan- dy (7)
36 One in Scottish town will die old (7)
39 Giant Queen (5) 40 Idle joke with money, colloquial- 41 One wagtail proboscis (6) 42 Being uneducated, 1 will say that again (10) 43 Altogether pure in heart, say (6) 44 Music for songs from giant leader of Goths on board (8) DOWN 1 Letter from priest about graduate (6) 2 Pitiful scene involving all the old little boats (8) 3 Rabbit with new extras (6) 4 Stylish change I try in Zambia (5) 6 The head's Cambridge degree (4) 7 Love tweed array designed off- the-peg (11, two hyphens) 8 Contribute to game (4) 9 Made off with homosexual, caught in the act (81
11 Design above—the German maze (7)
14 Once formerly (4) 15 Greensleeves? (4) 19 Orchard refuge (4) 21 'Wings' appearing in gala even- ing (4) 23 Understood the contents of the simply nice bits (8) 25 Name of building-plot, say (4) 27 Sweetmeats are thrown at wed- dings (8) 31 Cinders raised lasses (4) 32 Small child goes round row for eucalyptus (6) 33 Second-class thoroughfares in East Anglia (6) 35 The French WRAC now in the trenches (5) 37 Travel to church (4)