Raymond Keene
The most surprising development in the new World Chess Federation ranking list is the relegation of Victor Korchnoi to third place, on 2645, behind Karpov 2720 and Timman 2655. This drop of fifty points Lects the ex-challenger's poor score at as Palmas and his demolition by Karpov at Merano, while Timman has been suitably rewarded for his Las Palmas and IBM wins.
other leading players (difference from ve previous list given in brackets) are: Parov 2640 ( + 10); Portisch 2630 26,12a): Spassky 2625 ( — 5) and Hilbner
( — 20).
For the first time there are six English' home ratings of interest are: Chandler 2470, Paul Littlewood, British champion, 2460,
Hartston 2450, Taulbut 2435, Short 2430, Pritchett (top Scot) 2410 and Botterill (top Welshman) 2400. The best ladies' ratings are: Chiburdanidze 2390, Alexandria 2380 and Kushnir 2330, with Jana Miles at 2240 and Sheila Jackson 2180 as our most promi- nent representatives.
This week I give a striking win by Nunn from the tournament currently in progress at Wijk aan Zee.
players at 2500 or more, namely: Nunn 2590, Miles 2575, Speelman 2550, Stean and myself 2505 and Mestel 2500. This represents not only a general upsurge, but also confirmation of John Nunn's posi- tionn as current English number one and Jon Speelman's as number three. Other
Nunn — Tal: Wijk aan Zee 1982; Sicilian Defence. 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4Nxd4 Nc6 5 Nc3 a6 6 g3 The fianchetto of White's KB has become popular in a number of 'semi-open' games recently, e.g. Sicilian, Caro-Kann, Pirc. 6 . . Qc7 7 Bg2 Nf6 8 0-0 h6 If 8 . . . Nxd4 9 Qxd4 Bc5 10 Bf4! favours White.Tal's choice has been con- sidered quite respectable as a waiting move-cum- prophylactic against Bg5, but it has never before been subjected to the kind of violent test now im- plemented by White. 9 Nb3 Be7 10 a4 d6 11 f4 0-0 12 g4!? Bd7 13 h4!? White brazenly throws his entire King's flank at his opponent. Black reacts with stereotyped Q-side expansion 13 . . b5 14 g5 N117 Exchanging pawns would just open another file for the attack, but Black could have
prefaced this retreat with . Qb6+ . 15 Be3 b4
16 Net d5 Black tries to react in the centre to off- set White's initiative, but this pawn sacrifice leads to a hopeless position. 17 exd5 exd5 18 Qxd5 Rac8 19 a5 Nb8 An abject move, but if 19 . . . Be6 20 Qxc6 Qxc6 21 Bxc6 Rxc6 22 Ned4 stifles counterplay. 20 Ned4 Bg4 21 Rael Rfd8 22 Qe4 With an extra pawn and the initiative White's task is easy. 22 . . . Re8 23 Bf2 Bd7 24 Qd5 Qd6 25 Nf 5 Qxd5 26 Nxe7 + Rxel 27 BxdS Rxe1 28 Rxel Rxe2 29 Re7 Bch 30 Bxf7 + Kf8 31 Rc7 hxg5 32 Bc5 + Black resigns. A remarkable demolition of the ex-world champion by Nunn, who has also disposed of Timman and Hort.
Murray Chandler has also distinguished himself by beating Tal, with the Caro- Kann, but in a later round disaster befell him against Hort, from the same opening.
Hort — Chandler: Wijk aan Zee 1982.
White 's a piece ahead, but has Q, R and N under attack. Hort solved his problem elegantly with 1 h6!! when Black had nothing better than im- mediate capitulation. White threatens Qxg7 mate, while if 1 . . . fxg5 2 h7 + Kh8 3 Ng6 mate.