WAR-OFFICE, July 26.-211:1 Regt. of Life Guards : Lieut. C. Clarke to be Capt. by purchase, vice Davidson, who retires-2nd Regt. of Dragoon Guards : Lieut.-Gen. J. Hay to be Col. vice Gen. Loftus, deceased-5th Dragoon Guards : Lieut.-Col..1. Slade to be Col. vice his Royal Highness Leopold G. F. Prince of Saxe Coburg of Saalfeld-8th Regt. of Light Dragoons : Cornet F. Sliewell to be Adj. vice W. Young, who resigns the Adjutancy only-11:th Light Dragoons : R. Chaloner, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Coleman. who retires-14th Regt. of Foot : Lieut. D. M. Haslewooci to be Capt. without purchase, vice Bertrand, deceased -37th Foot: Lient -Gen. Hon. A. Duff, from the 92nd Regt. to be Col. vice Gen. Sir C. Green, deceased-159th Foot: Maj. 11. J. Ricketts, from the Royal African Colonial Corps, to be ;Raj. vice Harley, promoted-92nd Foot : Lieut.- Gen. Sir J. H. Dalrymple, Burt. to be Col. vice General Duff, appointed. to the command of the 37th Regt. ; Assist.-Sur. J. Wilson, M.D. from the 58th Regt. to be Assist.-Sur. vice Gordon, deceased-98th Foot : Capt. .1. Peach, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice J. Gould, who exchanges-Royal African Colonial Corps: Maj. J. II ingston, from the half-pay of the Corps, to be Maj. vice Ricketts, appointed to the 58th Regt.-Royal Newfoundland Veteran Companies: Lieut. J. P. Berry, from the half-pay of the 10th Regt. to be Lieut. vice O'Farrel, promoted.
Unattached Lieut. J. O'Farrel, from the Royal Newfoundland Veteran Com- panies, to be Capt. of Infantry, without purchase. Garrison: Lieut.-Gen. Sir F. T. Hammond, G.C.H. to be Lieut.-Governor of Edinburgh Castle, vice Lieut.-Gen. Hay, appointed to the command of the 2nd Dra- goon Guards. Brevet : Maj. W. Greene, of the Royal Artillery, to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army. To be Majors in the Army : Capt. H. B. Bullock, of the 1st Regt. of Life Guards ; Capt. G. A. Reid, of the 2nd Regt. of Life Guards. Memoranda : The promotion of Lieut. Haslewood, from the 14th Regt. to the Unattached rank of Captain, as stated in the Gazette of the 12th inst. has not taken place-The Christian names of Cornet Lumley, of the 7th Light Dragoons, are Richard George-The Christian names of Second-Lieut. Morris, of the 60th Regt. are John Armine.