At an ordination held by the Bishop of Chester, at Durham, on the I7th inst. the following gentlemen of Cambridge University were ordained. Deacons-J. S. Bolden, B.A. Trinity College ; T. Dwyer, B.A. Corpus Christi College ; '1'. Gard- ner, WA., and P. Von Essen, B.A. Queen's College ; H. Gibson, B.A. Christ's College ; W. Lees, B.A. St. John's College. Priests-W. Gibson, M.A. and G. Thomas, B.A. Trinity College ; J K. Marsh, B.A., E. \Veit:all, B.A., and J. San- ders, B.A. Queen's College ; T. Stone. B.A. St. John's College ; B. F. Tuckniss, B.A., and R. H. Thorpe, B.A. Catherine Hall.
On Tuesday last the Lord Bishop of Peterborough instituted the Rev. J. Rout- ledge to the Vicarage of Cransley, in the county of Northampton, vacant by the death of the Rev. G. Anderson, on the presentation of G. C. Rose. Esq. The Rev. H. '1'. Wheler, B.A. Postmaster of Merton College, Cambridge, has been instituted to the Vicarage of Pillerton, in the county of Warwick, void by the death of the Rev. J. Smith, on the presentation of the Rev. F. Mills, of Barfoid, in the same county. The Rev. F. Robinson, M.A. Fellow of Corpus Christi College. Cambridge, has been presented to the Rectory of Little Stoughton, Bedfordshire. Patrons, the Pre- sident and Fellows of Corpus Christi College.
Rev. J. Vane, Rector of Wrington, and Preacher at the Roll's Chapel, has been elected Perpetual Curate of Barrington, sumersetshire, vacated by the death of the Lev. J. Arnold.
PILEF Kit HNTS.-Rev. R. Sandford, B.A. of Magdalen College, Cambridge, upon his own petition, as patron, to the Vicarage.of Eaton, Shropshire.
Rev. 0. Leycester, of Stoke-upon-Tern, to the Rectory of Hodnet, Salop. Patron, R. Heber, Esq. Rev. G. T. Mostyn to the Perpetual Curacy of Tubercurry, near Sligo. Patron, the Dean of Achonry.