STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.-On Saturday Exchequer Bills closed at 12s. to 13s. Consuls closed. 821. The speech of the King of the French does not 'notwithstanding the Belgian and Portuguese questions which it involved, seem to have at all affected the Market. On the contrary, both on Monday and Tuesday the Market was even more buoyant than before the speech was known. The news of the determination of Prussia with respect to Poland, from the effect which it might be supposed to have on the peace of Europe, caused a depression in the latter end of -the week, from which, however, Consols had been yesterday partially relieved. They closed Friday night at 522. Exchequer Bills at 15s. to 16s. premium. SA To an AY Mon NINo.-Consols are 824 1. Very little doing either in the British or Foreign Market. Tile prices of all descriptions of Stock are about the same as yesterday.
sank Stock .... 200 1 Buenos Ayres... — Chilian . 501 Colombian . 18-20 Danish...... 61$ 2$. Greek....... .. 15 21 Mexican . 374 8 Peruvian ....... 11 13 Portuguese ..... 47; Russian........ 924
Spanish.. .....
Ditto, New 114 12
Bolanos 150 160 Brazilian . 49+ 504 Columbian . 7 S Anglo Mexican 19 20 United Mexican 7 3 per Cent. Red. 83} 8 per Cent. Cons. 82$ 2 '3$ per Cent. New 94 I Consols for Acct. 62$ $ Long Annuities .17 3-16 -.Ex. Bills, 10001.15 16 India Bonds .... 1 to 2s.
Brazilian.... 504 1