30 JULY 1831, Page 15


" We are so fully convinced that the Reform Bill is nothing to you,. friends and fellow-countrymen, that we will not occupy our columns with it, at the expense of more valuable matter : suffice, that the second reading was carried by a large majority of 136—the numbers being for it, 367 ; against it, 223.

" The ' liberal' (Ha, ha !) Wilms, who have no time for any thing but their precious deceit of a rdium , have plenty of time to squander away the money they have plundered from you, in paying their armed slaves, and beggarly friends and relations—they hare no time to repeal tyrannical and oppressive laws, which, though they condemn, they have time to enforce in the most oppressive manner possible, and by which they are attempting to crowd their prisons—yet have they time to concoct and study and enact new laws, ten times moretyrannical than those which have deservedly lost tyrants their thrones—more atrocious even than the odious Six ACTS of the bloody Tory Castlereagh himself !"