THE second Volume of the " Novelist's Library," containing Roderick Random, is illustrated by GEORGE CRUIRSHANK in his happiest style ; rich, piquante, and full of a relishing humour, coangenial with the spi- rit of the author. GEORGE is the only graphic commentator on FIELD- ING and SUOLLETT.
Of the Magazines, the New Monthly gives us a portrait of Mr. Ward, the author of Tremaine ; Fraser, a clever full-length sketch of the champion of the Reform Bill, Lord J. Russell, seated with his legs up, biting his pen in attitude of rumination. The Royal Lady's presents its readers with two very neat engravings ; one from a picture by CLAUDE, the other an illustration of BURNS'S " Twa Dogs." The Diamond has an illustration of Mrs. NORTON'S " Undying One," from a design by CORBOULD.