SCRIPTURE MEDALS. —Mr. THOMASON, of Birmingham, who is cele- brated over
Europe for his taste in the manufacture of bronze orna- ments, &c., and who is particularly known as the founder of a fine cast in bronze of the Warwick Vase, has recently completed a series of sixty medals, illustrative of the principal events of Scripture History, which he had the honour of presenting to the King. Each medal is three inches in diameter, and represents on the obverse a design, modelled from some celebrated picture of the old masters, descriptive of the event; and on the reverse is the passage in Scripture which it illustrates,—com- mencing with the naming of the animals by Adam, and closing with Christ's Ascension. They are cast in silver, in bronze, and in imitative or German silver ; and are placed in cases forming five folio volumes. These medals were executed under the immediate inspection of Mr. Thomason, and at his expense ; at a time when, but for this splendid enterprise, the artists engaged would have lacked employment. A friend, who has seen a set in silver, speaks in rapturous terms of the execution ; Int must postpone our own remarks till we have been equally fortunate.