The official report of the French Admiral ROUSSIN details the
transactions at Lisbon referred to in the King of France's speech. His despatqh is dated July 11. The French fleet, he states, was then lying broadside on under the quays of the Portuguese capital. The entrance of the Tagus was effected that day. The action commenced at half-past one, and by five o'clock the Gullet was passed. The Don John VI. of 74 guns, three frigates of 48 guns each, two sloops, and two brigs, were compelled to strike their flags to the French squadron ; and fort St. Julian and Bugio, which defend the entrance, were silenced. The French did not .fire until they had been fired upon ; they suffered no loss. As soon as they had got to the quay, ROUSSIN sent a summons to the Government of MIGUEL to submit, within two hours, to the demands made on the 8th, An answer, complying with this sant- _ mons, was immediately returned by SANTAREM. The conditions are stated to be- 1st. The dismissal of the Superintendent-General of Police. 2d. The reversal of all sentences pronounced against Frenchmen for political opi- nions 3d. An indemnity of 800,000 francs for the expenses of the expe- ,clition. 4th. The insertion in the Gazette of the French demands, and the acceptance thereof by the Portuguese Government, together with :placards containing these facts posted on the corners of the streets through which Bonhomme was paraded.
These are hard conditions, but the little Despot must bear them notwithstanding.