CL'br gittrapaTIO.
The Directors of the East India Company gave Lord Elphinstone a splendid entertainmeut at the Albion, in Aldersgate Street, previously to his Lordship's departure to assume the government of the Madras Presidency. Among the guests, were Lord Melbourne, Lord Pal- merston, Sir John Hobhouse, Mr. Poulett Thomson, and the Duke of Sutherland. Several speeches were delivered, but none of them require particular notice.
The Mar} ebone Reformers are to have a grand dinner on Wednes- day next. flirty Members of Parliament are expected to be present. The number of tickets sold exceeds 2000.
It has been for some time past in contemplation to establish an asylum for the aged and destitute Freemasons. The first festival to bring together the subscribers and friends of the project, was held on Friday at the West India Dock Tavern, Blackwell ; when nearly one hundred and fifty gentlemen, including several not of "the craft," sat down to an excellent dinner. The usual loyal toasts were given, and some excellent speeches delivered ; but, better still, upwards of 7501. was announced as received in aid of the contemplated charity. Included were several donations of 201. and 10/. Lord Albert Conyngham presented one of the latter amount ; and one of fifty guineas from the Chairman, Dr. Crucifix.