The Golden Treasury Psalter (Macmillan.)—is a smaller and cheaper edition
(the notes being mach abbreviated) of "The Psalms Chronolo- gically Arranged by Four Friends," a book which we noticed at length when it appeared three years ago. "The arrangement adopted," to quote from the preface, "is that of Ewald, and has been taken, by his permission, without alteration from his great work." Readers must remember that unquestionable as are the learning and honesty of the great German commentator, he is not free from the over-confidence of his countrymen, especially shown in the audacity with which, though certainly not possessing all the qualifications for forming such judg- ments, being wanting especially in taste, they decide on questions of internal evidence. It was, we think, Bishop Thirlwall who expressed wish "to have an Ewald to criticize an Ewald." Starting with this caution, they will find this book, if they are not already familiar with it, most interesting and instructive.