[To TIM EDITOR OP THR n SPECTATOR."' SIR,—Under the heading "News of the Week," I find it stated that "in Hornsey the Unionist vote was very much larger than in 1885." The figures are as follows :—In 1885, Sir J. McGarel Hogg, 4,619; in 1887, Mr. H. C. Stephens, 4,476. The Unionist (Conservative and Liberal) vote of 1887 was therefore 143 less than the Conservative vote of 1885. In both cases the " majority " is known to have consisted very largely of faggot
votes polled at the Guildhall.—I am, Sir, dm., S. C. [We wrote the words, "Unionist vote," as a mere slip for the words, "Unionist majority." The figures given were correct.— En. Spectator.]