The vacancy caused in the Northwich Division of Cheshire by
the death of Mr. Verdin promises to result in a very fierce struggle for the seat. The Gkdstonian candidate is to be Mr. Brunner, who was defeated by Mr. Verdin at the election of 1886 by 658 votes, but who in 1885 carried the seat against Mr. Verdin by 1,028 votes. His opponent is to be Lord Henry Grosvenor, a Liberal Unionist. Mr. Brunner, who resides in the division, is a gentleman of great local influence. In order to prevent his election, it will be necessary for the Unionists, both Liberal and Conservative, to work very hard. Lord Henry Grosvenor, as the son of the Duke of Westminster, will no doubt command a good deal of local popularity. Though a young man, and engaged on his first electoral fight, there is every reason to believe that he will make a popular candidate. In by-elections, however, when the time is too short for the candidate himself to visit a whole county division, it is not enough that a candidate obeli personally be able to conduct a good fight. He must be well supported by good speakers and canvassers. We are glad to hear that the Liberal Unionists at head-quarters have every intention of rendering all the aid they can to Lord Henry Grosvenor, and that the lesson of the Spalding election has been taken to heart in good earnest.