The result of the Commission which the United States sent
to Liberia last year is that the. United States has decided on the important step of taking over the financial responsibilities of Liberia and administering the country very mach in the 'ivartliat Great Britain began to administer Egypt: 'A loan - of £500,000' is to be offered for subscription in the United States, France, Germany, and, as we understand, in Great Britain. Every subscribing country will be represented on what will.praetically be a caisse- de la Bette. The United' States intends to reorganise the military forces, and, hrough the caisse, to pay off, the 'present British loans.-
Of course the United States has always been concerned in the welfare of Liberia ; this black Republic was founded. by negroes from America. It must not be sup- posed, • therefore, that the acceptance of responsibility is an entirely new move. We do not see why the intervention of America to help this crippled Republic should not be a real boon. At the same time, there are certain dangers. Some Americans think that it will compromise the Monroe doctrine, which is winked at so long as America keeps at a distance, but which may be more carefully scrutinised when she rubs shoulders with European Powers. We trust, how- ever, that the United States will find no difficulty in this respect. As to the purity of her intentions in holding out a helping hand to Liberia there can be no doubt whatever.