30 JULY 1910, Page 26
READABLE NOVELL—The Way Up. By M. P. Willeocks. (John Lane.
6s.)—A good story of a man doing his best to deal with social questions. But why has it been spoilt with a nauseous underplot of love ?—Sinsmen's Clay. By Mary Crosbie. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—Much talk, often very good, with a small proportion of incident, sometimes such as we could do without. —Sahib-Log. By John Travers. (Duckworth and Co. 6s.)—A story of Indian life, very well told, with the "unrest " prominent. —Micah Faraday, Adventurer. By L. T. Meade. (Ward, Lock, and Co. 6s.)—Very good, if one does not insist on probability.