The Continuous Honeymoon. By Gurner Gillman. (Greening and Co. 6s.)—Mr.
Gilman has forgotten the truth that the happy woman has no history. The hero and heroine, to whom he introduces his readers on their wedding-day, and who are supposed, to honeymoon continuously all through the book, are not particularly interesting people, and the author is forced in order to attain a suitable length for his story to describe the love affairs of all their relations. Considering the specimens which are given of Mr. Thomson Herbert's conversation, it is very difficult to believe, if not in the popularity of his books, at any rate in their' literary worth. Nor is it easy to imagine how Mr. and Mrs. Herbert found exclusive county society in the neighbourhood of Virginia Water. The book is an unsatisfying example of the photographic style of art ; but readers who wish to know how life is lived in the suburbs will find what they want in Mr. Clillman's novel.