We strongly admire the integrity of Lord Robert's political character,
but we think he might have been a little bolder in this matter. What we need, and what the Unionist Party can perfectly well give 118, if it could only find its way out of the Cambrian wood in which it is now wandering, is a party truly democratic in its principles, and also constitutional. Such a party will develop the present structure of society on existing lines, and not of those of socialistic and revolutionary tyranny. Probably the best name that we could choose would be one showing that we are both democratic and constitutional. There would be no harm if the name also suggested that it represented the union of good citizens to produce these ends. For though we do not want to be a Coalition, we want to keep the doers wide for all Liberals, and there are thousands of them not only in the ranks of the Coalition but among the great body 4:4 persona unconnected with any party who believe both in Democracy and in the Constitution.